Monitor s3 bucket Permission and restrict public access
It is good to have a mechanism that will alert AWS admin if any s3 bucket goes public. There is many ways to do that, However I am discussing a more simple method,
- Create SNS Topic
- Create Subscription
- Enable cloud Trail
- Create IAM Role
- Create Lamda Function
- Configure Cloud Watch Rule
Create SNS Topic
Goto Amazon SNS service — -> Select topics — -> Create topic — -> Choose Standard
Give topic name and save.
Create Subscription
Goto Amazon SNS service — -> Select Subscriptions — -> Create Subscription
Select the Topic ARN of above created topic in step 1,
Select protocol as EMAIL,
Endpoint: give your mail, Create subscription.
You will get a confirm mail from SNS. Click on the link.
Enable Cloud Trail
Goto CloudTrail — -> Dashboard — -> Create Trail
Provide Trail Name,
Select Create New S3 bucket,
Enable log file validation,
Don’t change any other options,
Click on Next,
Choose event type as “management events”,
Review the changes and click on create trail.
Create IAM role
Goto IAM — -> Roles — -> Create role
Select Usecase as Lambda, click on Next,
Select policy,
— AWSLambdaExecute
— Amazon SNS full Access
— AmazonS3FullAccess
Click on Next,
Provide a role name and click on create role.
Create lambda function
Goto Lamda — -> FunctionsCreate — -> function
Select Author from scratch,
Give function name,
Choose runtime as python 3.9,
Permissions — -> Choose existing role — -> Chose the role we created — -> click on create function
Lambda function created successfully — -> scroll down to lambda function code and copy code from github repository,
Edit the code TopicArn=”your_role_arn”
Now save and don’t forget to click on deploy.
Configure cloud watch rule
Go to Amazon event bridge — -> Rules
Provide Rule name,
Select rule with event pattern and click on next,
Select Event source “AWS events or Event Bridge partner events”,
Scroll down to Event Pattern
Event source : AWS events
AWS service : Simple Storage Service (S3)
Event Type: Bucket Level API Call Via CloudTrail
Select specific Operations,
Click on Next,
Select Target types : AWS Service
Select Target : Lamda function
Give the lambda function ARN we created in Step 5
Click on Next to Review and create Rule.
Test the rule works or not
Create a sample bucket with permission granted to public,
Expected behavior: The created bucket permission will reset to no public access and sns topic subscriptions will get a message.
Grant public access to a private s3 bucket
Expected behavior: The sns topic subscriptions will get a message.
The disadvantage of this method is, To setup this in a region you have to configure above steps in that region.